Essay, Research Paper: Hamlet Nature

Shakespeare: Hamlet

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The obscurity of human thought and sentiment inhibits the possibility of
understanding an individual’s actions. The human mind is composed of its own
due process, which, in certain individuals, might disable the ability to make
decisions and act. In the play Hamlet the protagonist is marked by an indecisive
nature. By analyzing every aspect of a possible action, Hamlet inevitably finds
a reason not to act. His actions are untimely. The often procrastination of
serious acts lead to an even more complicated situation. The complexities of the
events which take place in the play do not always provide Hamlet with a possible
clear decision. He is constantly faced with a challenging dilemma that adds to
the intricacy of his life. Hamlet is overly conscious and unable to make a
decision because of the uncertainty of the consequences that might follow. There
is a constant threat that reaction these consequences will not be what he
expects, possibly being detrimental to his cause. This deters him from
attempting to execute any of his machinations. All these factor demonstrate that
Hamlet does not suffer from a failure of will, but rather of an over analytical
character that impedes him from taking any significant action. By constantly
questioning every aspect of a possible action, Hamlet ultimately finds a reason
no to act. He is constantly contemplating on the possibility of self-slaughter.
This is evident in his soliloquies and disregard towards life. Hamlet expresses
his sentiments, regarding the fact that his dear mother married his uncle only
two months after the death of his father, by saying these lines: “O, that this
too too sullied flesh would melt, Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew! …How
weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable Seem to me all the uses of this world!” (
I ii, 129-130, 133-134) This excerpt clearly demonstrates Hamlet’s belief that
suicide is a possible and realistic option. His grief is so immense and his
mother’s actions are so repugnant the life has no meaning for him. But Hamlet
does not kill himself, he finds a reason not to; “Or that the Everlasting had
not fixed -- His cannon ‘gainst self- slaughter!”( I ii, 131-32) he
explains. Hamlet fears damnation, he will not kill himself because it is a
mortal sin allowing no possibility for salvation. Hamlet also express the same
feelings when he says: “…To die, to sleep – No more – and by a sleep to
say we end – The heartache and the thousand natural shocks – That flesh is
heir to.” ( III I, 61-64) Again suicide was in his mind, and again he found an
excuse no to further his thoughts. “But that the drear of something after
death, - - The undiscovered country from whose bourn – No traveler returns,
puzzles the will.” ( III I, 179-181) The fear of what will happen after death
deters him. Hamlet also fails to take any significant action in many other
occasions. He does not kill Claudius immediately after the apparition of the
Ghost, in which he discovered that his father was really murdered by him. “The
spirit that I have seen -- May be the devil…”( II ii, 599-600 ) Hamlet
subconsciously finds a reason not to act by doubting the validity and origin of
the apparition. Hamlet encounters another chance to kill Claudius. It is after a
play, set up by Hamlet to verify Claudius’ guilt. Claudius clearly expresses
his guilt by standing up as the murder of Hamlet’s father was reenacted. Now
Hamlet is absolutely certain that Claudius is the perpetrator of the most foul
and unusual murder. But Hamlet finds yet another reason to postpone his deed.
“When he is drunk asleep, r in his rage, Or in th’ incestuous pleasure of
his bed, At game a-swearing, or about some act That has no relish of salvation
in ‘t— Then trip him, that his heels may kick at heaven, And that his soul
may be as damned and black As hell, whereto it goes.”( III iv, 89-95) Claudius
is in a chapel, apparently praying; therefore Hamlet hesitates killing him
because at this moment he believes Claudius will not go to heaven. One must also
consider the fact that Hamlet cannot simply disregard his morals and values.
“Thus conscience does make cowards of us all.” ( III I, 84) Hamlet
understands that conscience, or what society has taught individuals to believe,
is an impediment. To go against what one holds as true and right is to go
against one self. Hamlet realizes that his conscience prevents him from taking
any significant action, therefor by the end of the play he convinces himself
that he must act. “ A thought which, quartered, hath but one part wisdom –
And ever three parts coward… O from this time froth – my thoughts be bloody
or be nothing worth!”( IV iv, 43-44, 66-67) Hamlet finds extremely difficult
to decide what is the right thing to do. The most honorable thing to do is to
kill Claudius, but that is both treason and an unforgivable sin. Hamlet has also
a strange relationship with his mother. He does not know how to treat his
mother, or even to that matter Ophelia. He truly loves both women, but cannot
trust either of them. “Why wouldst thy be a – breeder of sinners? I am
indifferent honest, but yet I could accuse me of such things that it were better
my mother had not borne me: … Or, if thou wit needs marry, marry a fool, for
wise men know well enough what monsters you make of them.” (III I, 122-125,
139-141) Hamlet is constantly affronted with situations that do not provide a
right answer. All his actions are extremely important and the fear of failure,
or making a wrong decision, leads him to an eternal reasoning process, which
leads him to nothing. The complexities of the events that take place through out
the play do not always provide Hamlet with one clear decision. Hamlet discovered
the means by which his father died by the apparition of a ghost, a most
mysterious and unusual way. This could have been an extrapolation of his
disturbed mind or a fabrication. It would be impossible to justify the murder of
Claudius to the courtiers on the bases of a vision. After all, Claudius was the
king and to kill him was treason. Hamlet also does not know what is his mother
position on these events. Gertrude married Claudius only two months after the
death of Hamlet’s father death; she might have been an accomplice. Due to
these doubts Hamlet can not trust his own mother. His relationship with Ophelia
is just as turbulent. She refused to meet him; she helped the king spy on him,
and indirectly by killing herself she brings Laertes to seek revenge on Hamlet.
“So shall you hear of carnal, bloody, and unnatural acts, of accidental
judgments, casual slaughters, of deaths put on by cunning and forced cause, and,
in this upshot, purposes mistook fall’n on th’ inventors’ heads.”( V ii
382-387) Hamlet is marked not by strength of will or even of passion but by
refinement of thought and sentiment. His indecisive character presents an
obstacle in the realization of his contrivances. By over analyzing any possible
action he might take, Hamlet often finds a reason impeding from taking any
significant action. When and if he took any of those actions they were too late.
Hamlet finds himself making the “least worse” decision, due to the fact that
there is no clear right decision to take. The intricacies of the plots add to
Hamlet’s desperation and indecisiveness. Hamlet is real; one can identify with
him. The uncertainty his of life provides no clear path, but rather a rugged and
confusing road. Many times there is no right answer. He must use his
discrimination to choose the best possibility. Hamlet, unfortunately, lacks this
ability. The quintessence of Hamlet’ tragedy is basically expressed in these
words (ironically belonging to Hamlet himself): “Why, what an ass am I! This
is most brave that I, the son of a dear father murdered, prompted to my revenge
by heaven and hell, must like a whore unpack my heart with words…”( II ii,
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